Bunions treatment and removal, surgery and recovery in the Kings County, NY: Brooklyn (Midwood, Bay Ridge, Sunset Park, Bushwick, Park Slope, East New York, Williamsburg, Brighton Beach, Brownsville, Greenpoint, Brooklyn Heights, Kensington), Richmond County, NY: St. George, Midland Beach, and Queens County, NY: Elmhurst, Maspeth, Forest Hills areas

Bunions Treatment in Brooklyn, NY

A bunion is a common foot deformity characterized by a bony bump appearing at the base of the big toe joint. This bump tends to progressively worsen over time if left untreated, growing larger and pushing the big toe out of alignment. Beyond altering the physical appearance of the feet, bunions can also become painful, swollen, tender, and inflamed, making wearing shoes and walking uncomfortable.

What Causes Bunions?

Bunions are thought to be caused by genetics. Various structural and biomechanical differences in the feet can be inherited and make bunions more likely to develop over time. Wearing shoes that are too tight and crowd the toes can make existing bunions progressively worsen. Having rheumatoid arthritis can also increase your risk of developing bunions over time.

Bunions Diagnosis & Treatment

Bunions can be diagnosed by a podiatrist through physically examining the foot. Sometimes, an X-ray may also be ordered to assess the extent of the deformity. Conservative treatments, such as wearing shoes with a wide toe box or custom orthotics, padding the bunion, and resting and icing the foot can stop the bunion from worsening. Surgery may be recommended to correct more severe bunions. If you have bunions, please see Dr. Emil Babayev, DPM for treatment.

Bunions (FAQs)

What are bunions? 
A bunion is a bony bump that forms at the base of the big toe joint. It is considered a deformity, as it changes the shape of the feet, creating a protruding bump on the side of the foot while pushing the big toe towards the smaller toes next to it. Bunions can be painful, red, tender, and stiff. They may restrict the range of motion of the affected toe and tend to develop corns and calluses over the top of the bump. 
What causes bunions?
Bunions may have a variety of potential causes. They may be caused by wearing tight, narrow, ill-fitting shoes over long periods of time or from inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. Genetics may also play a role, as some people inherit foot shapes and structures that are more likely to develop bunions. 
How can you stop bunions from getting worse? 
Early detection and treatment is key to slowing or stopping the progression of a bunion. Your podiatrist will likely recommend footwear modifications, such as wearing wider, more comfortable shoes or custom orthotics that support the foot and give the toes room. Special bunion pads can be used to relieve pain and pressure over the bunion, while over-the-counter medications or ice can be used to reduce inflammation. 
Is it possible to remove a bunion? 
Bunions can be permanently removed through a surgical procedure known as a bunionectomy. During this surgery, the doctor may cut, realign, or remove portions of bones, ligaments, and tendons to get rid of the bunion. This is typically an outpatient procedure, which means that you get to go home the same day as the surgery. 

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